Meeting Transcript, Meeting 3

AI Summary

The discussion revolves around various themes, drawing inspiration from Hegelian philosophy. Hegel’s distinction between the history of science and the history of law is explored. It is noted that while the history of science involves radical shifts in paradigms and transformations in objects of study, the history of law remains relatively stable. This distinction highlights the fundamental differences between science and philosophy, as Hegel argues that science deals with the objective world, whereas philosophy (represented by the history of law) explores the subjective realm of human consciousness and its relationship to societal structures.

Furthermore, the conversation delves into Hegel’s concept of self-realization and the notion of spirit emptying itself into time. The idea of incarnation, where God becomes matter, is discussed in relation to Hegel’s philosophy. It is emphasized that in Christianity, the incarnation reveals that matter is already imbued with spirit, challenging the perception of matter as a mere physical substance. This concept aligns with Hegel’s idea of self-sacrifice, where true self-realization requires relinquishing individual existence and recognizing the interconnectedness of spirit and matter.

The dialogue also touches upon Hegel’s philosophy of knowledge and self-reflection. The transformative power of knowledge is highlighted, as Hegel posits that true knowledge involves a process of self-recognition and self-consciousness. This idea is expressed through the concept of knowledge as a new existence and a new shape of spirit. Hegel’s notion of the dialectic is implied, suggesting that knowledge is attained through the synthesis of opposing elements, such as the subjective and objective, or the abstract and concrete.

Furthermore, the critique of contemporary society’s materialistic tendencies aligns with Hegel’s concern about the loss of self-knowledge and the prioritization of immediate gratification. Hegel believed that a deeper understanding of oneself and the world required a reflective and critical examination of societal values and norms. The conversation emphasizes the need to overcome the superficial pursuit of materialistic goals and embrace a broader perspective that includes spiritual and philosophical dimensions.

In summary, the discussion weaves together Hegelian concepts such as the distinction between the history of science and the history of law, the idea of spirit emptying itself into time, the role of incarnation and self-sacrifice in self-realization, the transformative power of knowledge and self-reflection, and the critique of contemporary materialistic society. These themes reflect Hegel’s philosophy and his exploration of the relationship between consciousness, history, and the development of self-understanding.

Questions and Answers

Question: “What was I saying about history of science?” (Participant 1) Answer: The history of science involves radical shifts in paradigms and transformations in objects of study. It is distinct from the history of law, which remains relatively stable.

Question: “Do you need to know the history of science to do science?” (Participant 1) Answer: No, the history of science is not necessary to actively engage in scientific pursuits. Unlike the history of law, which is considered essential for understanding legal systems, the history of science is not a prerequisite for scientific inquiry.

Question: “Is the object in science fundamentally different from the object in philosophy?” (Participant 1) Answer: The objects in science undergo radical shifts and paradigm changes, while the objects in philosophy, particularly in the history of law, remain more constant. This difference suggests that science and philosophy are distinct disciplines.

Question: “What can be said about the materialist perspective?” (Participant 2) Answer: The materialist perspective acknowledges that different objects of consciousness have different forms, but it posits that these objects are constituted by a fundamental material reality. However, it is argued that matter itself is an abstraction, and the notion of matter is challenged as a pure abstraction.

Question: “What does science talk about if not matter?” (Participant 2) Answer: Science does not primarily focus on matter but instead explores concepts like energy, mass, and the interplay between various phenomena. Matter itself is understood as a complex composition of empty space, waves of probabilities, and other elements.

Question: “Where does science start?” (Participant 2) Answer: Science as a dedicated field of study began in the twelfth century with the establishment of universities focused on studying the universe. This marked a shift in recognizing the universe as an intelligible entity created by spirit.

Question: “What is the relationship between Christianity and the perception of matter?” (Participant 2) Answer: In Christianity, the concept of incarnation suggests that God becomes matter, revealing that matter is already infused with spirit. This challenges the idea of matter as a purely physical substance and highlights the inherent intelligence of the world.

Question: “How does self-realization relate to matter and spirit?” (Participant 2) Answer: Self-realization requires recognizing the interconnectedness of spirit and matter. It involves letting go of individual existence, embracing the interconnected nature of consciousness and societal structures, and realizing that true knowledge comes from self-reflection and an understanding of the world’s philosophical and spiritual dimensions.

Question: “What is the significance of spirit emptying itself into time?” (Participant 2) Answer: Spirit emptying itself into time reflects the process of self-realization and self-transformation. It involves the realization that the pursuit of knowledge and the understanding of one’s substance require relinquishing individual existence, engaging in self-sacrifice, and recognizing the interplay between self-consciousness and the external world.

Raw Transcript


1 00:00:04.750 –> 00:00:05.710 iPhone: You say so.

2 00:00:12.580 –> 00:00:15.739 iPhone: Okay. so how should we?

3 00:00:17.010 –> 00:00:19.270 iPhone: This? well.

4 00:00:20.700 –> 00:00:23.640 iPhone: so I, I started the the practice.

5 00:00:23.720 –> 00:00:30.100 iPhone: Yeah. And we got like 20 to 30 paragraph soon. Okay? And then I find it very difficult.

6 00:00:30.440 –> 00:00:37.780 iPhone: and so yeah, like, maybe. Yeah, how many paragraphs is the preface in total

7 00:00:47.250 –> 00:00:49.740 iPhone: 7, 70.

8 00:00:51.050 –> 00:00:51.950 iPhone: Yeah. So

9 00:00:53.400 –> 00:00:56.430 iPhone: introduction.

10 00:01:00.610 –> 00:01:05.260 iPhone: the introduction is into that introduction is

11 00:01:06.190 –> 00:01:07.350 iPhone: more.

12 00:01:07.750 –> 00:01:12.770 iPhone: It’s it’s still I go. But it’s

13 00:01:13.660 –> 00:01:14.840 iPhone: more

14 00:01:15.880 –> 00:01:17.410 iPhone: directly and

15 00:01:18.270 –> 00:01:25.799 iPhone: full stuff. You can just kind of more of an argument. Let’s start when we get to the Internet. So there’s the practice in those introduction.

16 00:01:26.660 –> 00:01:27.910 iPhone: And

17 00:01:28.050 –> 00:01:33.309 iPhone: hmm the introduction. So I believe if I would, my message to the introduction

18 00:01:34.540 –> 00:01:39.960 iPhone: first. before he will not all after so like

19 00:01:41.910 –> 00:01:44.400 iPhone: that you can see his mind just going.

20 00:01:45.830 –> 00:01:52.360 iPhone: I’m set up this. This will be just finished in the premise. The introduction is actually more like an introduction, just like.

21 00:01:54.170 –> 00:02:01.490 iPhone: because, if you remember in the preface. He, he basically deconstructs the very idea.

22 00:02:01.580 –> 00:02:03.540 iPhone: But in the introduction you actually kind of

23 00:02:03.840 –> 00:02:05.420 iPhone: right, let’s see.

24 00:02:06.700 –> 00:02:08.699 iPhone: I mean, I guess it starts in deconstructing

25 00:02:10.030 –> 00:02:11.239 iPhone: what we start dealing with.

26 00:02:14.200 –> 00:02:16.700 iPhone: Let’s see.

27 00:02:22.600 –> 00:02:24.669 iPhone: yeah. So like,

28 00:02:26.970 –> 00:02:29.449 iPhone: yeah. Anyway, I’m I’m just thinking ahead.

29 00:02:29.500 –> 00:02:31.219 iPhone: The introduction is.

30 00:02:35.850 –> 00:02:40.099 iPhone: yeah, it’s a little bit, probably just a little bit more manual.

31 00:02:41.350 –> 00:02:44.080 iPhone: but it also has a kind of clear.

32 00:02:46.730 –> 00:02:57.880 iPhone: But anyway, so why, yeah, let’s just let’s just talk about the preface and see what we need at any moment. We can just kind of hmm next class or next session. We can just need to get

33 00:02:58.270 –> 00:03:00.129 iPhone: introduction or whatever you know

34 00:03:00.210 –> 00:03:03.210 iPhone: I have. I have some notes on office?

35 00:03:03.390 –> 00:03:07.190 iPhone: Oh, I wasn’t able to that as much as I could have. But

36 00:03:07.620 –> 00:03:08.460 and so

37 00:03:08.950 –> 00:03:18.520 iPhone: yeah, well, it’s very. It’s really systematic. It’s all stuff that I referencing for myself. Oh, okay, but I I

38 00:03:20.940 –> 00:03:28.280 iPhone: I have to say to talk about this. But you know. So I was saying, you, you said, do you want to start with some questions? Though.

40 00:03:39.070 –> 00:03:40.850 iPhone: i guess,

41 00:03:41.380 –> 00:03:47.249 iPhone: just for a birds of you so yeah, what is what is able trying to accomplish.

42 00:03:47.330 –> 00:03:51.139 iPhone: Well, software in the breakfast. And then what are the steps that he

43 00:03:51.380 –> 00:03:52.909 iPhone: sort of takes to get there?

44 00:03:53.120 –> 00:03:55.899 iPhone: And then I guess from there we can then map them.

45 00:03:56.370 –> 00:03:57.030 Awesome.

46 00:03:57.750 –> 00:03:58.920 iPhone: Yeah.

47 00:03:59.370 –> 00:04:04.649 iPhone: that’s challenging.

48 00:04:04.990 –> 00:04:07.870 iPhone: It’s kind of hard for me to see, like the

49 00:04:08.120 –> 00:04:09.369 iPhone: yeah. See the

50 00:04:15.370 –> 00:04:18.920 iPhone: this in the trees for the forest. Okay.

51 00:04:19.000 –> 00:04:21.220 iPhone: it goes actually

52 00:04:23.120 –> 00:04:24.480 iPhone: interesting thing.

53 00:04:24.600 –> 00:04:27.770 iPhone: I guess you rights like it.

54 00:04:28.720 –> 00:04:29.570 iPhone: And

55 00:04:29.820 –> 00:04:34.049 iPhone: but okay, so let’s see, I mean.

56 00:04:36.730 –> 00:04:52.319 iPhone: he’s essentially. Yeah, he’s just trying to talk about what he’s up to, what he’s doing, and like his overarching sort of kind of notions and principles that are going to guide, and

57 00:04:52.730 –> 00:04:56.219 iPhone: and also anticipating and

58 00:04:57.880 –> 00:05:00.440 iPhone: attempting to preempt

59 00:05:01.390 –> 00:05:02.700 iPhone: some

60 00:05:02.710 –> 00:05:05.460 iPhone: what you know you might call naive or

61 00:05:05.700 –> 00:05:12.680 iPhone: inadequate interpretations both of philosopher, but also what he is doing. because he is

62 00:05:12.790 –> 00:05:19.560 iPhone: proposing, at least for as far as he’s concerned. And I would say, it’s basically true what extent it’s definitely a radical

63 00:05:20.440 –> 00:05:23.720 iPhone: a radical step here that he’s trying to.

64 00:05:23.750 –> 00:05:26.769 iPhone: He’s just kind of putting on scene for the first time

65 00:05:27.060 –> 00:05:31.530 iPhone: in the history of

66 00:05:31.540 –> 00:05:32.980 iPhone: but

67 00:05:34.210 –> 00:05:36.499 iPhone: that itself is.

68 00:05:39.180 –> 00:05:44.120 iPhone: Yeah, I mean, that’s that’s like in its cell phone. It’s a.

69 00:05:44.810 –> 00:05:46.800 iPhone: it requires this kind of

70 00:05:47.290 –> 00:05:57.830 iPhone: account of essentially yeah development mediation substation like those are all. What is it talking about here? And it’s just kind of trying to tell you how this what this is, because.

71 00:05:58.590 –> 00:06:05.709 iPhone: you know the objective here. The objective

72 00:06:08.710 –> 00:06:09.770 iPhone: is

73 00:06:10.690 –> 00:06:13.560 iPhone: self knowledge, that it’s spiritual and knowledge.

74 00:06:13.980 –> 00:06:17.729 iPhone: and you, as you saw from like, you know.

75 00:06:18.110 –> 00:06:27.680 iPhone: But as long as your philosophy, like the whole history of the cosmos, is directed towards that one object is to generate cell phones, so that spirit can be home at home with itself in this world.

76 00:06:27.800 –> 00:06:30.380 iPhone: that is.

77 00:06:30.560 –> 00:06:49.190 iPhone: but doesn’t recognize itself in yet. And this is this, what Hegel is proposing to do is to show that that’s what’s happening because you need to realize that that’s what’s happening. Or to reach that final point of being at home in the world. Recognize to recognize recognition is also a big to recognize

78 00:06:49.490 –> 00:06:54.580 iPhone: yourself in the world. As it is, you need to recognize that it is, in fact.

79 00:06:55.070 –> 00:06:56.560 iPhone: the culmination of this

80 00:06:57.120 –> 00:07:06.290 iPhone: process of development. But philosophy, then, is it kind of the culmination of the combination? Since that it’s the

81 00:07:06.540 –> 00:07:08.649 iPhone: philosophy of that

82 00:07:09.600 –> 00:07:11.520 iPhone: spirit becomes objectified.

83 00:07:12.510 –> 00:07:16.730 iPhone: What it is now, the thing is that

84 00:07:19.110 –> 00:07:20.820 iPhone: so

85 00:07:35.510 –> 00:07:36.339 take care.

86 00:07:37.570 –> 00:07:43.630 iPhone: right? Okay? So

87 00:07:45.020 –> 00:07:47.059 iPhone: I mean.

88 00:07:51.810 –> 00:07:52.969 iPhone: that’s not really.

89 00:07:54.750 –> 00:07:55.569 it’s like.

90 00:07:56.610 –> 00:08:10.270 iPhone: So yeah, yeah, so

91 00:08:10.970 –> 00:08:13.010 iPhone: history.

92 00:08:16.730 –> 00:08:23.340 iPhone: yeah. And when you look at this

93 00:08:23.680 –> 00:08:24.360 philosophy.

94 00:08:27.880 –> 00:08:28.540 yes.

95 00:08:32.450 –> 00:08:33.179 and

96 00:08:36.240 –> 00:08:38.170 iPhone: and relate to that over there

97 00:08:39.570 –> 00:08:40.539 that just

98 00:08:40.970 –> 00:08:42.000 iPhone: it’s just there.

99 00:08:42.260 –> 00:08:45.569 iPhone: Okay, let’s just say, and then what you see. Is that

100 00:08:49.470 –> 00:08:52.040 iPhone: the way that that people then interpret

101 00:08:52.410 –> 00:09:00.230 iPhone: which these different? And then, once you know Arizona? He said this. and then.

102 00:09:00.670 –> 00:09:05.010 iPhone: you know, like, Oh, Cox, no, it’s

103 00:09:05.680 –> 00:09:12.289 iPhone: so Tyn, if you took his shot. But it was, you know, and then you look for arguments and like things to say like.

104 00:09:12.630 –> 00:09:13.650 iPhone: Oh.

105 00:09:14.140 –> 00:09:24.420 iPhone: but not the. And so it’s like those are kind of merely. I mean, you can like you can talk about like influence or play with

106 00:09:27.770 –> 00:09:30.000 iPhone: and

107 00:09:31.120 –> 00:09:34.760 iPhone: but not be able to see any of this

108 00:09:36.440 –> 00:09:41.750 iPhone: process here a process in which the mind is actually coming to know itself.

109 00:09:42.000 –> 00:09:47.250 iPhone: So what he, what he was saying is that these

110 00:09:48.660 –> 00:09:52.400 iPhone: These velocities represents

111 00:09:53.600 –> 00:09:58.230 iPhone: different different stages. There are moments in history.

112 00:09:58.420 –> 00:10:00.380 iPhone: you know. It’s up now.

113 00:10:00.610 –> 00:10:03.809 iPhone: Here’s the thing

114 00:10:04.050 –> 00:10:06.640 iPhone: this is.

115 00:10:09.410 –> 00:10:11.500 iPhone: they didn’t have this term yet.

116 00:10:14.650 –> 00:10:18.249 iPhone: Actually, I think maybe it was already around.

117 00:10:18.510 –> 00:10:20.650 iPhone: I think it’s getting.

118 00:10:22.550 –> 00:10:23.880 iPhone: It doesn’t matter.

119 00:10:25.040 –> 00:10:29.460 iPhone: because, like I said, it really is. I know it’s already in the

120 00:10:30.060 –> 00:10:31.590 sure

121 00:10:32.310 –> 00:10:34.920 iPhone: to the some sense that

122 00:10:36.400 –> 00:10:38.160 iPhone: the

123 00:10:43.600 –> 00:10:47.010 iPhone: well it

124 00:10:48.470 –> 00:10:52.730 iPhone: that there. what I’m doing at here is

125 00:10:54.540 –> 00:11:05.400 iPhone: in order to be able to.

126 00:11:07.070 –> 00:11:08.779 iPhone: and not just

127 00:11:09.160 –> 00:11:11.230 iPhone: that. So

128 00:11:13.890 –> 00:11:26.280 iPhone: as if, like

129 00:11:34.330 –> 00:11:36.190 iPhone: anyway,

130 00:11:38.990 –> 00:11:44.379 iPhone: unless you this is the this is where the

131 00:11:44.620 –> 00:11:45.410 hmm!

132 00:11:45.640 –> 00:11:47.299 iPhone: You cannot recognize.

133 00:11:47.920 –> 00:11:48.840 please

134 00:11:48.970 –> 00:11:50.880 iPhone: as your stages.

135 00:11:51.150 –> 00:11:52.099 iPhone: Yeah, fold it up.

136 00:11:52.870 –> 00:12:04.579 iPhone: So, in other words, in order to profit at least the history of philosophy. that is, study such a way that it doesn’t appear to be really sort of an external mutually exclusive positions.

137 00:12:05.450 –> 00:12:08.380 iPhone: but as actually known to the unfolding of $7

138 00:12:09.330 –> 00:12:13.609 iPhone: spirit, the ongoing genesis for yourself you already have to know.

139 00:12:14.270 –> 00:12:17.580 iPhone: The spirit is that’s one of the it is very loss.

140 00:12:18.390 –> 00:12:20.640 iPhone: and

141 00:12:22.110 –> 00:12:26.740 iPhone: So what I’m saying is that

142 00:12:28.190 –> 00:12:37.499 iPhone: what Hegel is trying to do with my knowledge? He is trying to help us get to this point where we can see this as this, not just as

143 00:12:43.660 –> 00:12:46.910 iPhone: yeah. And

144 00:12:48.020 –> 00:12:57.739 iPhone: because that’s the thing. Is that not just when you talk about the all and object whatever they need. it can literally be the whole history of philosophy. You can treat as if it were

145 00:12:58.200 –> 00:12:59.010 iPhone: just

146 00:13:00.720 –> 00:13:03.159 iPhone: a kind of happen stance over there.

147 00:13:04.440 –> 00:13:08.470 iPhone: and not necessarily see see it as a product.

148 00:13:09.290 –> 00:13:13.410 iPhone: Okay, this is the whole thing. You have a result, not

149 00:13:13.480 –> 00:13:14.880 iPhone: my spirit is something

150 00:13:16.830 –> 00:13:24.050 iPhone: And so you. So we can be alienated from the

151 00:13:28.190 –> 00:13:30.079 iPhone: not.

152 00:13:32.120 –> 00:13:35.739 iPhone: And remember on to you capitulates by logic

153 00:13:38.400 –> 00:13:42.429 iPhone: today. And here I’ll show you. This is 1 one famous castle job

154 00:13:44.930 –> 00:13:45.739 iPhone: tied down with

155 00:13:45.860 –> 00:13:46.780 the text

156 00:13:47.460 –> 00:13:48.790 iPhone: I was going to talk about.

157 00:13:51.160 –> 00:13:52.529 iPhone: I go to

158 00:13:55.260 –> 00:14:02.310 iPhone: 26.

159 00:14:06.990 –> 00:14:11.430 iPhone: Hmm. So this is a kind of a Danny’s passage where.

160 00:14:15.020 –> 00:14:16.469 iPhone: so it will says.

161 00:14:20.740 –> 00:14:25.770 iPhone: actually these. So it’s at the bottom of the that page about 8 14.

162 00:14:27.020 –> 00:14:28.630 iPhone: right

163 00:14:28.780 –> 00:14:39.499 iPhone: like it, says the individual, has a right to demand that science should at least provide him a ladder to this stand. One should show him this standpoint in himself.

164 00:14:40.440 –> 00:14:41.780 iPhone: which is to say.

165 00:14:42.200 –> 00:14:50.040 iPhone: he’s gonna give you a ladder. Now to get to the point where you reach a standpoint in which you

166 00:14:50.220 –> 00:14:54.270 iPhone: can recognize the history of philosophy

167 00:14:54.900 –> 00:14:56.660 iPhone: this way, because

168 00:14:56.850 –> 00:15:01.939 iPhone: most people don’t reach that standpoint. And so they relate to the history of

169 00:15:03.800 –> 00:15:07.880 iPhone: haphazard contingent succession of new to the exclusive.

170 00:15:09.510 –> 00:15:10.700 iPhone: Everyone dies at the end.

171 00:15:11.050 –> 00:15:15.409 iPhone: And so he said, yeah, we. So I need to help you reach that point.

172 00:15:15.470 –> 00:15:21.219 iPhone: And there is a kind of paradox. It’s a kind of but the only way, as he says I can’t remember you.

173 00:15:21.330 –> 00:15:22.670 iPhone: I was just reading this. But I

174 00:15:22.690 –> 00:15:26.400 iPhone: there’s no way around this. You just have to go through it.

175 00:15:26.840 –> 00:15:27.890 iPhone: Is that it?

176 00:15:28.250 –> 00:15:30.800 iPhone: The latter, you know, like they’ll say, like.

177 00:15:30.810 –> 00:15:36.390 iPhone: Oh, yeah, like one way he puts it is like the justification of what he’s saying.

178 00:15:37.100 –> 00:15:41.230 iPhone: is

179 00:15:42.260 –> 00:15:46.320 iPhone: what’s the whole idea of an imminent justification like the

180 00:15:46.550 –> 00:15:53.300 iPhone: The proof that this is what’s what the mind is only happens in so far as you just go through the processes.

181 00:15:53.510 –> 00:15:56.010 iPhone: You have to sort of endure the process itself.

182 00:16:00.760 –> 00:16:04.560 iPhone: There’s no like an external.

183 00:16:06.190 –> 00:16:07.860 iPhone: You have to come to know your mind

184 00:16:09.560 –> 00:16:15.009 iPhone: in order to appreciate this, but it’s only in studying the history of philosophy that you come to know your mind.

185 00:16:18.040 –> 00:16:19.579 iPhone: That’s the paradox.

186 00:16:22.000 –> 00:16:25.859 iPhone: and those that don’t know their mind. But study the history of philosophy, they look at it as

187 00:16:28.980 –> 00:16:32.290 iPhone: conjunction with these exclusionary positions.

188 00:16:35.730 –> 00:16:36.400 iPhone: Hmm.

189 00:16:36.540 –> 00:16:41.329 iPhone: so it’s a it’s like a spiral.

190 00:16:42.560 –> 00:16:44.149 iPhone: That’s the idea. At least

191 00:16:44.860 –> 00:16:49.099 iPhone: it will be a spiral pretty sort of progressively returned in the beginning.

192 00:16:49.230 –> 00:16:51.159 iPhone: as you go out.

193 00:16:51.550 –> 00:16:53.109 iPhone: an account of difference.

194 00:17:05.240 –> 00:17:08.929 iPhone: Only way to read the phone knowledge is to already have ready.

195 00:17:10.510 –> 00:17:14.540 iPhone: Now, that was kind of abstract. Because.

196 00:17:14.859 –> 00:17:19.050 iPhone: yeah, but I I I was just trying to sort of respond to this.

197 00:17:19.140 –> 00:17:22.899 iPhone: Your question is, what what is the up

198 00:17:23.970 –> 00:17:28.590 iPhone: Well, that’s that’s the kind of the endpoint which is

199 00:17:30.810 –> 00:17:37.139 iPhone: full self knowledge, which is aained only in so far as you can see, the history of philosophy at this

200 00:17:37.200 –> 00:17:41.050 iPhone: this pattern, and then you know your mind. This is the mind

201 00:17:41.260 –> 00:17:46.649 iPhone: sank. This is one. Okay, let me. Oh, yeah, sorry. It was like all these transition. Have them already to him.

202 00:17:47.710 –> 00:17:49.489 iPhone: This, okay.

203 00:17:50.560 –> 00:17:59.650 iPhone: here’s one way to think about this. in science

204 00:17:59.820 –> 00:18:04.749 iPhone: for a scientist around here. you do not need.

205 00:18:04.890 –> 00:18:08.199 iPhone: at least in principle, to study the history of science.

206 00:18:08.770 –> 00:18:10.900 iPhone: You start with the current science.

207 00:18:11.040 –> 00:18:12.489 iPhone: Yeah. Yeah.

208 00:18:12.840 –> 00:18:18.549 iPhone: because because the object, the science.

209 00:18:18.850 –> 00:18:23.030 iPhone: it’s not the mind itself. Yes.

210 00:18:26.860 –> 00:18:35.190 iPhone: evolution. etc. And so Now. this is the thing is that

211 00:18:36.520 –> 00:18:37.929 iPhone: that does have an issue.

212 00:18:37.950 –> 00:18:41.780 iPhone: It does actually the the scientific object as such as it.

213 00:18:41.930 –> 00:18:48.369 iPhone: which is, which is what we find in the first kind of real insight into that beyond

214 00:18:48.470 –> 00:18:57.249 iPhone: handle would be something like where you see that actually, what was, he thought, was the object, actually

215 00:18:59.440 –> 00:19:05.110 iPhone: the object? So what is what? What’s happening here is that. okay, here’s another.

216 00:19:05.930 –> 00:19:08.940 iPhone: So what happens if you have.

217 00:19:09.070 –> 00:19:09.870 And

218 00:19:10.530 –> 00:19:13.010 iPhone: this is

219 00:19:20.370 –> 00:19:21.770 iPhone: anyone anyone

220 00:19:23.150 –> 00:19:24.250 iPhone: more? So

221 00:19:27.510 –> 00:19:30.470 iPhone: okay

222 00:19:31.390 –> 00:19:32.230 iPhone: and

223 00:19:40.230 –> 00:19:41.679 iPhone: and

224 00:19:43.160 –> 00:19:48.910 iPhone: and what happens is that. So as

225 00:19:52.940 –> 00:19:58.719 iPhone: the understanding world is not the world of the time, they’re different.

226 00:19:59.890 –> 00:20:02.709 iPhone: Okay, and

227 00:20:03.770 –> 00:20:05.060 iPhone: which is

228 00:20:05.170 –> 00:20:10.000 iPhone: This is this is important because

229 00:20:14.850 –> 00:20:19.220 iPhone: there can be a naive value, which is that. Well, no, there’s just. There’s just

230 00:20:19.230 –> 00:20:20.870 iPhone: the object

231 00:20:22.590 –> 00:20:30.140 iPhone: which is like the natural it. There’s just being out rather than realizing that the very meeting of being

232 00:20:30.910 –> 00:20:33.160 iPhone: objects truth, reality

233 00:20:33.700 –> 00:20:38.650 iPhone: is fundamentally changes as consciousness changes its form.

234 00:20:39.130 –> 00:20:40.160 iPhone: so

235 00:20:40.230 –> 00:20:42.750 iPhone: the mind that anticipates

236 00:20:42.820 –> 00:20:47.909 iPhone: reality, and the way that the Newtonian sciences is a fundamentally different mind.

237 00:20:48.970 –> 00:20:54.850 iPhone: and the one that the world as Einstein.

238 00:20:58.190 –> 00:21:01.970 iPhone: that that that object here is, be yellow.

239 00:21:02.980 –> 00:21:03.800 iPhone: And

240 00:21:04.420 –> 00:21:07.879 iPhone: so as forms of consciousness merge.

241 00:21:08.110 –> 00:21:10.890 iPhone: They always have a

242 00:21:12.420 –> 00:21:15.400 iPhone: and But

243 00:21:16.990 –> 00:21:24.209 iPhone: you can. You can not fully enter into this process, since, including the idea of the gathers. Then there’s the real audience.

244 00:21:25.630 –> 00:21:27.509 iPhone: It’s like that you start by.

245 00:21:28.720 –> 00:21:30.839 iPhone: it’s just kind of there.

246 00:21:33.970 –> 00:21:38.239 iPhone: So reality kind of facilitates the minds.

247 00:21:39.210 –> 00:21:45.920 iPhone: I guess when the mine finally understand? So I’m like.

248 00:21:48.050 –> 00:21:53.370 iPhone: Then there is

249 00:21:53.650 –> 00:21:56.430 iPhone: no more reality.

250 00:21:57.000 –> 00:21:59.810 iPhone: What do you mean that? What do you mean by a

251 00:22:00.480 –> 00:22:03.589 iPhone: in the sense of the reality which

252 00:22:03.960 –> 00:22:05.690 iPhone: internal object of the mine

253 00:22:05.880 –> 00:22:07.360 iPhone: that never was.

254 00:22:12.940 –> 00:22:15.380 iPhone: The only thing that was the

255 00:22:15.530 –> 00:22:16.559 iPhone: yeah. That’s all.

256 00:22:19.820 –> 00:22:21.600 iPhone: To think that there was something different

257 00:22:22.720 –> 00:22:26.090 iPhone: is to

258 00:22:28.530 –> 00:22:32.960 iPhone: it’s it’s still a positive and object. But then.

259 00:22:34.360 –> 00:22:38.680 iPhone: and because you don’t know, you positive that’s the point.

260 00:22:39.070 –> 00:22:41.380 iPhone: there’s been a positive.

261 00:22:42.190 –> 00:22:44.179 iPhone: But if you don’t

262 00:22:46.030 –> 00:22:52.040 iPhone: recognize yourself in the object. You can think that the object was just there. Table will say this, we’re over outbound

263 00:22:53.020 –> 00:22:53.900 iPhone: this evening

264 00:22:54.830 –> 00:22:56.820 iPhone: to the object of some big bound.

265 00:22:58.730 –> 00:23:02.139 iPhone: and you can treat the whole history of law school. It’s just kind of there.

266 00:23:05.440 –> 00:23:08.539 iPhone: Now, what I was saying about history of science is that

267 00:23:09.590 –> 00:23:16.299 iPhone: that’s a fundamental difference, that you don’t need to go through the history of science in order to do science

268 00:23:18.120 –> 00:23:25.520 iPhone: because the objects itself. Well, what who discovered is the object does undergo radically change

269 00:23:26.240 –> 00:23:28.370 iPhone: fundamental shifts in paradigms?

270 00:23:29.390 –> 00:23:34.050 iPhone: Still, the object itself is an

271 00:23:34.570 –> 00:23:35.540 iPhone: am I?

272 00:23:36.070 –> 00:23:42.099 iPhone: Because the only way to where the mind reveals itself is actually.

273 00:23:44.120 –> 00:23:45.590 iPhone: And so

274 00:23:45.780 –> 00:23:57.379 iPhone: if you’re pointing to, if you’re going to a 10, not just knowledge of any old self knowledge you have to study the history of lost, whereas, in order to understand on physics, you do not have to understand the

275 00:24:02.730 –> 00:24:08.880 iPhone: because the object is fundamentally different. Now I know it’s of course, the object is the object. It’s the mind itself that would have generated.

276 00:24:11.260 –> 00:24:19.069 iPhone: I’m studying, or yeah. but that’s that’s just to say that what science and philosophy are different.

277 00:24:27.450 –> 00:24:31.040 iPhone: what can I be like in a materialist? Say?

278 00:24:31.570 –> 00:24:37.209 iPhone: Well, even if the forms of consciousness have right themselves for different objects.

279 00:24:37.270 –> 00:24:38.909 iPhone: that those objects are themselves different

280 00:24:40.080 –> 00:24:44.229 iPhone: perspectives or constitutions from a fundamental material reality.

281 00:24:47.800 –> 00:24:55.880 iPhone: I’m not. And I don’t know. That’s it’s not. It’s not decisions at all. That’s what he was going to point out. Okay, okay, what you can do is

282 00:24:56.110 –> 00:24:58.790 iPhone: go back to Herstall. Okay?

283 00:24:59.390 –> 00:25:04.020 iPhone: As you go from.

284 00:25:04.260 –> 00:25:12.269 iPhone: And then I just go down. take things away or like whatever. So the statue thing.

285 00:25:14.530 –> 00:25:19.150 iPhone: Then he separated. Well, for it matter.

286 00:25:19.970 –> 00:25:23.080 iPhone: And so the matter itself is bronze.

287 00:25:23.540 –> 00:25:24.420 iPhone: Okay.

288 00:25:24.700 –> 00:25:27.330 iPhone: that so that that has its form.

289 00:25:28.190 –> 00:25:32.900 iPhone: the material would be offered iron right?

290 00:25:34.660 –> 00:25:42.780 iPhone: And then, of course, this is sort of all the 4 elements, right? But they’re buying more. And then finally, you get to material for all this.

291 00:25:42.800 –> 00:25:46.130 iPhone: Yeah. to the point. Here.

292 00:25:47.670 –> 00:25:49.520 iPhone: this is an abstraction.

293 00:25:50.530 –> 00:25:53.510 iPhone: It’s it’s this is the concrete thing.

294 00:25:55.120 –> 00:25:59.380 iPhone: This is an abstraction. that’s what one of the things they don’t have is recognize.

295 00:25:59.830 –> 00:26:02.139 iPhone: Does that matter? As a matter?

296 00:26:02.230 –> 00:26:05.310 iPhone: It’s the most abstract. It’s not the most concrete.

297 00:26:06.150 –> 00:26:06.870 Hmm.

298 00:26:09.470 –> 00:26:16.449 iPhone: I like someone he’s talking about, the

299 00:26:16.500 –> 00:26:22.779 iPhone: not see anything in themselves, because you have to include actually everything.

300 00:26:26.410 –> 00:26:28.900 iPhone: And so matter

301 00:26:30.790 –> 00:26:33.209 iPhone: matters of some abstraction.

302 00:26:34.350 –> 00:26:38.899 iPhone: We know that from science what is what is matter?

303 00:26:40.850 –> 00:26:43.809 iPhone: No one can touch or taste your or see it.

304 00:26:48.520 –> 00:26:53.890 iPhone: And more more precisely.

305 00:26:54.510 –> 00:26:56.989 iPhone: I’m why I should. That is mass, right?

306 00:26:57.170 –> 00:26:59.180 iPhone: No, science doesn’t talk about matter.

307 00:26:59.970 –> 00:27:04.689 iPhone: There you I I defy you to find any advanced physics that talks about matter

308 00:27:06.660 –> 00:27:09.319 iPhone: that is still a softball notion. It’s an abstraction.

309 00:27:10.210 –> 00:27:16.540 iPhone: Science talks about things like mass equals. Mc squared is energy equals light times, mass

310 00:27:17.570 –> 00:27:21.699 iPhone: or not. Max, not matter.

311 00:27:21.710 –> 00:27:32.509 iPhone: Matter is completely what there’s editing 2 tables that famously disabled this one thing that’s in Pennsylvania will go off, but it’s also mainly empty space, at the same time

312 00:27:33.990 –> 00:27:38.110 iPhone: floating, filling waves of probabilities. Hmm.

313 00:27:38.600 –> 00:27:48.380 iPhone: And you can suffer the illusion. Oh, the real thing is this thing that I can touch, and that’s the material. But then, even if you analyze what you’re touching, that’s just

314 00:27:49.010 –> 00:27:52.390 iPhone: The feeling of hardness.

315 00:27:54.570 –> 00:27:57.949 iPhone: Matter is some is a notion that’s just a pure abstraction.

316 00:27:58.690 –> 00:28:00.380 iPhone: Marx was just making it up.

317 00:28:02.230 –> 00:28:03.730 iPhone: There’s no such thing as matter.

318 00:28:05.910 –> 00:28:11.780 iPhone: This is basic to anything. There is no such anything that exists as form

319 00:28:11.930 –> 00:28:13.040 iPhone: integrated.

320 00:28:14.930 –> 00:28:17.180 iPhone: So you have to make a yeah, yeah.

321 00:28:17.930 –> 00:28:23.620 iPhone: you have to overcome the anticipation that being in

322 00:28:24.340 –> 00:28:25.780 iPhone: being?

323 00:28:29.430 –> 00:28:31.590 iPhone: Yes.

324 00:28:35.660 –> 00:28:37.040 iPhone: what do you mean? How did we get there?

325 00:28:41.080 –> 00:28:48.689 iPhone: I’m I’m just saying that. That’s where, hey? It’s okay. Yeah.

326 00:28:49.190 –> 00:28:58.170 iPhone: But it’s our insurance that science and all this gravity. No, it’s not material.

327 00:28:58.300 –> 00:29:03.469 iPhone: Marx was confused. It it wasn’t

328 00:29:04.750 –> 00:29:14.389 iPhone: they thought the material, since they’re being incentive, and they’re basing themselves on. They’re not dealing in these abstract ideas. Matter is an abstraction.

329 00:29:20.430 –> 00:29:23.829 iPhone: We’re dealing with a concrete. the actual human being, as

330 00:29:24.070 –> 00:29:24.879 I can say.

331 00:29:26.090 –> 00:29:31.690 iPhone: What is that? What is it. As it turns out. you never actually see me.

332 00:29:32.990 –> 00:29:38.310 iPhone: you as you, you and your fullness our

333 00:29:47.260 –> 00:29:51.899 iPhone: how do I know? How do I come to know you. I have to study all kinds of things.

334 00:29:55.360 –> 00:29:58.530 iPhone: you and the and and Marx is just confused.

335 00:29:59.620 –> 00:30:04.719 iPhone: he’s tracking sensuousness, as he says explicitly.

336 00:30:04.800 –> 00:30:10.699 iPhone: So I’ll be in the refer to the Centrist.

337 00:30:12.670 –> 00:30:14.340 iPhone: He was just about

338 00:30:15.000 –> 00:30:21.569 iPhone: because you thought you were being rigorous.

339 00:30:22.600 –> 00:30:23.730 iPhone: and

340 00:30:25.140 –> 00:30:29.520 iPhone: when, in fact, we’re dealing with purest of abstraction matter.

341 00:30:30.090 –> 00:30:35.820 iPhone: Now you can talk about. Okay. He’s got other things going on like the way

342 00:30:36.740 –> 00:30:40.670 iPhone: you know, because he’s saying there’s just labor.

343 00:30:40.810 –> 00:30:45.740 iPhone: Okay, here’s another way to. But there’s another thing that’s labor, right? Generating. It’s up. Yeah.

344 00:30:46.730 –> 00:30:50.349 iPhone: And then capital airlines. It’s for me.

345 00:30:50.900 –> 00:30:55.939 iPhone: But he doesn’t talk about intellectually.

346 00:30:58.880 –> 00:31:00.310 iPhone: He doesn’t understand it.

347 00:31:00.830 –> 00:31:07.969 iPhone: The intellectual they were generating an object, and that you don’t have history. You don’t have the dialect of history without intelligence.

348 00:31:08.380 –> 00:31:11.310 iPhone: The first of all, you don’t have technology.

349 00:31:12.440 –> 00:31:17.080 iPhone: He just says, the material conditions produce the technology. No, they don’t.

350 00:31:18.430 –> 00:31:19.400 iPhone: Because

351 00:31:19.650 –> 00:31:27.060 iPhone: you can have across cultures, exact same material conditions. And then also a new ideal.

352 00:31:27.750 –> 00:31:28.410 Hmm.

353 00:31:29.540 –> 00:31:42.509 iPhone: that control that determines the material. Now and again the material that is always another way of realizing what what aerosol is, matter is always well, there’s no such thing as just matter. This is a purely

354 00:31:43.020 –> 00:31:44.180 iPhone: thought of that.

355 00:31:46.430 –> 00:31:49.980 iPhone: The matter of a statute is copper and iron.

356 00:31:54.980 –> 00:31:58.100 iPhone: but that’s always

357 00:32:02.430 –> 00:32:04.100 iPhone: And so

358 00:32:04.440 –> 00:32:17.220 iPhone: anyway. So

359 00:32:17.540 –> 00:32:18.480 iPhone: or

360 00:32:19.480 –> 00:32:21.340 iPhone: so kind of the point again, is that

361 00:32:22.500 –> 00:32:25.439 iPhone: actually intelligence that transforms matter?

362 00:32:26.510 –> 00:32:29.290 iPhone: I see.

363 00:32:29.550 –> 00:32:32.359 iPhone: So like concept in existence. Yeah.

364 00:32:34.610 –> 00:32:43.039 iPhone: But at the same time, it’s this is the weird thing that yeah. Of course, sometimes consciousness emerges out of pattern.

365 00:32:44.550 –> 00:32:48.199 iPhone: But that’s because it is already already.

366 00:32:50.190 –> 00:32:50.910 Oh.

367 00:32:53.940 –> 00:32:56.020 iPhone: and then

368 00:33:01.350 –> 00:33:08.450 iPhone: and that. But that’s it. That’s what he says. Matter is for that is not.

369 00:33:08.530 –> 00:33:11.940 iPhone: it’s not. It’s not neutral.

370 00:33:15.520 –> 00:33:21.039 iPhone: Which is this is what I was saying to you know, it’s also a bit abstract.

371 00:33:22.440 –> 00:33:23.540 iPhone: like.

372 00:33:24.030 –> 00:33:29.689 iPhone: yeah, I mean, I I can say more about that that is not no.

373 00:33:31.390 –> 00:33:36.330 iPhone: Is this related in your way to the substance subjects? Okay? So that, okay.

374 00:33:38.370 –> 00:33:51.249 iPhone: Laura, how you doing? I’m good. I’m just listening.

375 00:33:51.540 –> 00:33:53.599 iPhone: well, okay, so

376 00:33:53.870 –> 00:33:54.930 iPhone: actually.

377 00:33:55.470 –> 00:33:58.020 iPhone: let me before we go to that, let’s do this.

378 00:33:58.250 –> 00:34:02.349 iPhone: let me take you through a couple of sections.

379 00:34:05.380 –> 00:34:14.609 iPhone: So, Laura, we’re gonna we go to. I’ll just take you guys to a couple of sections here. So go to

380 00:34:16.280 –> 00:34:18.020 starting.

381 00:34:19.090 –> 00:34:22.599 iPhone: Okay? Actually, so we talked about this on on the

382 00:34:23.810 –> 00:34:32.010 iPhone: a discord thread. Yeah. And

383 00:34:34.449 –> 00:34:36.510 iPhone: so paragraph 8,

384 00:34:39.760 –> 00:34:42.800 iPhone: and so, okay, the

385 00:34:43.750 –> 00:34:45.670 iPhone: okay. And keeping with the demand

386 00:34:45.750 –> 00:34:55.189 iPhone: with this demand. This is strenuous, almost over zealous and frenzy, effort to tear them away from their preoccupation with the sensuous, which is that into which Marks falls

387 00:34:55.690 –> 00:34:57.200 iPhone: is from Hegel’s perspective.

388 00:34:58.140 –> 00:35:09.629 iPhone: from their ordinary private affairs, and direct their gaze to the stars, as if they have forgotten all that them buying, and already, like worms to get them. So the the mine had scared had to rest itself from this

389 00:35:10.050 –> 00:35:13.560 iPhone: being immersed in your mirror material.

390 00:35:14.210 –> 00:35:16.350 iPhone: you know, even though it never really was that

391 00:35:17.340 –> 00:35:23.229 iPhone: Formerly they had to. They had a heaven and thorn with a basketball for thoughts, and even

392 00:35:23.310 –> 00:35:28.909 iPhone: the meaning of all this. a lot of all that is hung on the thread of light by which it was linked to the heaven.

393 00:35:29.340 –> 00:35:37.939 iPhone: Instead of drawing in this world’s presence, men look beyond following this threat to another worldly presence. Now, that’s basic

394 00:35:38.620 –> 00:35:43.390 iPhone: Plato, Neo-platonism, Christianity. But other traditions as well.

395 00:35:43.820 –> 00:35:50.700 iPhone: is our astron. Yeah. For sure. any kind of like dualism in this role in the next world.

396 00:35:50.940 –> 00:35:55.010 iPhone: which, in which being and truth and

397 00:35:55.590 –> 00:35:58.800 iPhone: substance even, was located so kind of like

398 00:35:59.060 –> 00:36:05.349 iPhone: premodern as it is. What do you

399 00:36:06.370 –> 00:36:11.160 iPhone: kind of like?

400 00:36:14.370 –> 00:36:23.910 iPhone: So like the philosophy of pay, it is almost well, no, that’s the thing that philosophy of the in it paganism as paganism would be the immersion in the

401 00:36:24.640 –> 00:36:27.449 iPhone: So you have, like, you know.

402 00:36:28.320 –> 00:36:30.810 iPhone: yeah. So you like

403 00:36:31.370 –> 00:36:35.250 iPhone: the Dionysian frenzies where everyone gets drunk, and it’s kind of

404 00:36:35.940 –> 00:36:38.589 iPhone: giving way to their immediate centuries.

405 00:36:47.390 –> 00:36:50.450 iPhone: And so

406 00:36:51.820 –> 00:36:55.900 iPhone: so there was already spirit there in.

407 00:36:56.330 –> 00:36:57.870 iPhone: But it was too immersed

408 00:36:58.250 –> 00:37:02.610 iPhone: to most in this world merely

409 00:37:03.090 –> 00:37:10.919 iPhone: And then you get the philosopher you get Plato. Keep and sorry to saying those, and if you famously solves Plato in the Academy. Same spirit is up there.

410 00:37:11.140 –> 00:37:15.710 iPhone: Hmm And So that’s the no way to heaven.

411 00:37:15.970 –> 00:37:25.349 iPhone: And the I. This year it had to be forcibly turned and held fast to the things of this world, so that we had to be brought back to this world.

412 00:37:26.340 –> 00:37:30.469 iPhone: and it take a long time for the lucidity which only heavenly things used to have

413 00:37:30.740 –> 00:37:35.750 iPhone: to penetrate, the dullness and confusion in which the sense of worldly things.

414 00:37:36.560 –> 00:37:43.730 iPhone: and so make attention to the here and now as such, attention to what has been called experience and interesting and valid enterprise.

415 00:37:44.360 –> 00:37:51.689 iPhone: Okay, which is modern science. Okay? And what we’re saying in modern science and technology, and so on

416 00:37:52.910 –> 00:37:59.130 iPhone: and but it’s also the background. Here is you.

417 00:37:59.750 –> 00:38:04.099 iPhone: you know. Hango, he went to. He went to He studied that, as you know.

418 00:38:05.130 –> 00:38:07.080 iPhone: geological

419 00:38:07.230 –> 00:38:11.910 iPhone: it’s a it’s based on being trying to be a faster

420 00:38:12.280 –> 00:38:21.700 iPhone: it all because everyone was. If you’re kind of lower middle class, and you weren’t going to be a noble person like the only way to be gainful. And one other than just being a labor is going to the.

421 00:38:21.790 –> 00:38:24.909 iPhone: So he and all his friends were

422 00:38:25.150 –> 00:38:32.530 iPhone: training for this. So just beware everything. There’s just a basic pushing elements back out of all this, even though he’s

423 00:38:33.460 –> 00:38:45.940 iPhone: we’ll repeatedly like I mean, Chris, most contemporary Christians in like a post. There’s a whole thing about that. I want him to go into that. But what he, what he’s getting on here is.

424 00:38:46.190 –> 00:38:47.590 iPhone: and Christianity.

425 00:38:49.370 –> 00:38:52.039 iPhone: You actually have the notion of incarnation

426 00:38:53.320 –> 00:38:56.460 iPhone: where dog comes down to the earth

427 00:38:56.620 –> 00:39:06.959 iPhone: and reveals that this earth does incarnate me. Right matter, and but spirit. It’s the incarnation. God comes matter.

428 00:39:07.510 –> 00:39:16.319 iPhone: but in and so doing reveals that matter is already in in some sense, and which is to say, it reveals that the world is intelligent, because in pantheism

429 00:39:17.120 –> 00:39:21.429 iPhone: the world is under the underlay by chaos.

430 00:39:24.000 –> 00:39:31.870 iPhone: It’s not intrinsically, it’s not the. This is the world that spirit made.

431 00:39:32.560 –> 00:39:35.380 iPhone: Okay? And

432 00:39:35.700 –> 00:39:39.810 iPhone: it’s also the dialect

433 00:39:40.250 –> 00:39:42.880 iPhone: and and

434 00:39:44.160 –> 00:39:46.920 iPhone: so

435 00:39:47.950 –> 00:39:50.730 iPhone: and

436 00:39:52.880 –> 00:39:57.619 iPhone: you can’t use them.

437 00:40:00.120 –> 00:40:03.430 iPhone: It’s not known to be created by intelligence.

438 00:40:06.600 –> 00:40:08.339 iPhone: so the world is

439 00:40:08.490 –> 00:40:11.969 iPhone: not considered to be intrinsically

440 00:40:13.980 –> 00:40:18.320 iPhone: there are. and Ross

441 00:40:18.580 –> 00:40:21.400 iPhone: comes in, and how it’s UN if she flees

442 00:40:22.760 –> 00:40:29.629 iPhone: the spirit there. But it’s it’s not recognize that such I see.

443 00:40:30.440 –> 00:40:33.100 iPhone: Okay. And then, for then you have this kind of

444 00:40:35.490 –> 00:40:36.550 iPhone: heavenly.

445 00:40:36.760 –> 00:40:45.639 iPhone: and what what he says that Christianity actually sort of well, but anyway, So what? And then what happens then is that

446 00:40:46.110 –> 00:40:48.689 iPhone: with the Christian story and incarnation.

447 00:40:50.440 –> 00:40:53.480 iPhone: Where did this? Where does science

448 00:40:59.680 –> 00:41:01.489 iPhone: as it starts? Yeah.

449 00:41:06.050 –> 00:41:07.359 iPhone: there. So

450 00:41:10.550 –> 00:41:13.890 iPhone: not not twelfth century.

451 00:41:14.090 –> 00:41:20.929 iPhone: We’re at the university starting. the dedicated to studying the universe this universe

452 00:41:21.500 –> 00:41:23.060 iPhone: 500 months.

453 00:41:24.670 –> 00:41:27.730 iPhone: because they for the first time

454 00:41:28.890 –> 00:41:32.699 iPhone: they were told that this universe is, be intelligent.

455 00:41:34.870 –> 00:41:38.350 iPhone: And because, like, for example.

456 00:41:39.240 –> 00:41:43.009 iPhone: they’re still like they talk about our

457 00:41:43.140 –> 00:41:45.050 iPhone: starting science. It really wasn’t.

458 00:41:45.400 –> 00:41:48.769 iPhone: for example, Aristotle thought that all of inventions that are in A

459 00:41:50.410 –> 00:41:52.269 iPhone: and the idea that you would work

460 00:41:53.800 –> 00:41:56.360 iPhone: like study the details of what

461 00:41:57.310 –> 00:42:01.600 iPhone: what we call matter, material existence

462 00:42:01.990 –> 00:42:08.950 iPhone: didn’t really actually start to happen.

463 00:42:10.030 –> 00:42:15.030 iPhone: Technology. In fact, one of the stories about this is that, yeah, that’s one of the reasons why we have to

464 00:42:16.180 –> 00:42:20.280 iPhone: is that because of the.

465 00:42:21.890 –> 00:42:25.839 iPhone: And so these months, they also had to figure out how to do they were saving.

466 00:42:26.070 –> 00:42:30.340 iPhone: It was called. They did 2 things, Aura, and

467 00:42:32.320 –> 00:42:34.180 iPhone: and they had to figure out what they were working

468 00:42:34.270 –> 00:42:38.780 iPhone: they

469 00:42:40.000 –> 00:42:41.059 iPhone: first year.

470 00:42:42.490 –> 00:42:46.500 iPhone: So you see the first windmills. the first water meals

471 00:42:46.850 –> 00:42:54.570 iPhone: all coming out of the monsters. Okay, so that’s what he’s saying. There is that

472 00:42:54.990 –> 00:43:01.609 iPhone: But the problem is that now us post Christians become these materialistic. You know.

473 00:43:02.330 –> 00:43:03.960 iPhone: people that are, too.

474 00:43:04.940 –> 00:43:10.719 iPhone: Now we’ve all we’re worried about is mastering little techniques to like satisfy our immediate urgent.

475 00:43:11.100 –> 00:43:13.980 iPhone: even though we have this amazing science of acknowledgment.

476 00:43:14.480 –> 00:43:23.530 iPhone: Now, we need to be full. But that’s like kind of a weird thing. It’s almost he’s like saying, now it’s like back and forth. But I guess what he’s saying is, there’s been this final culmination where you like.

477 00:43:24.650 –> 00:43:28.140 iPhone: You understand yourself the spirit, but spirit in the world.

478 00:43:28.590 –> 00:43:34.270 iPhone: And so you don’t just reduce yourself to the world. But you also don’t see spirit as this, transcendent beyond

479 00:43:34.510 –> 00:43:42.500 iPhone: the the word that in German is. it’s the

480 00:43:42.680 –> 00:43:46.450 iPhone: oh. but this side of the on your side.

481 00:43:46.820 –> 00:43:49.630 iPhone: But

482 00:43:49.880 –> 00:43:54.160 iPhone: and so Hegel says that this is actually what

483 00:43:55.730 –> 00:44:01.380 iPhone: she, Jack says that with perjury the dog transcendence die.

484 00:44:04.860 –> 00:44:07.049 iPhone: Does God now is at home as well.

485 00:44:09.040 –> 00:44:12.660 iPhone: but as spirit. as intelligent.

486 00:44:12.750 –> 00:44:14.969 iPhone: not as spirits

487 00:44:15.260 –> 00:44:17.430 iPhone: that are just around that chaos.

488 00:44:19.390 –> 00:44:22.070 iPhone: Okay, so that’s that

489 00:44:22.870 –> 00:44:29.100 iPhone: I was going to ask what what it was that force of we turned into

490 00:44:36.550 –> 00:44:43.409 iPhone: the

491 00:44:43.860 –> 00:44:46.030 iPhone: so the incarnation

492 00:44:46.060 –> 00:44:53.590 iPhone: in that very idea of like progress where this this world could progress because no one had a 98 progress

493 00:44:54.840 –> 00:45:00.250 iPhone: that the world can be made better through our interventions, through spirits intervention.

494 00:45:02.020 –> 00:45:04.869 iPhone: They didn’t. You have a linear conception of time?

495 00:45:05.880 –> 00:45:09.889 iPhone: It is a circular concept. If you go to any other tradition. Time is circuit

496 00:45:14.910 –> 00:45:22.139 iPhone: No, yeah. But but the thing is that Hegel thinks we should be.

497 00:45:22.170 –> 00:45:26.430 iPhone: We should be post Christians. We should be like post post Christians and overcome our

498 00:45:27.130 –> 00:45:34.120 iPhone: this kind of weird materiality we fall into in our very scientific pursuit of domination of the earth.

499 00:45:35.460 –> 00:45:37.769 iPhone: So we need. As he says.

500 00:45:37.920 –> 00:45:54.830 iPhone: the spirit shows itself as so impoverished. That is so now turned to the material that, like a wander in the desert, craving a mere mouthful of water, it seems to gray for its refreshing only the bare feeling of the divine in general. But to us, walking around and got down. Where’s God

501 00:45:55.410 –> 00:45:56.630 iPhone: and all of this

502 00:45:58.190 –> 00:46:05.390 iPhone: but the little which now satisfies spirit we can measure by the little so like by our just being on our phones all day

503 00:46:05.830 –> 00:46:08.390 iPhone: watching Youtube. And that’s satisfying us

504 00:46:08.900 –> 00:46:10.700 iPhone: measures the extent of our lost

505 00:46:12.170 –> 00:46:23.440 iPhone: okay, so let’s do a couple more. yeah.

506 00:46:25.120 –> 00:46:27.109 iPhone: that’s the

507 00:46:29.920 –> 00:46:31.180 let me see.

508 00:46:36.980 –> 00:46:43.759 iPhone: so is it. Is it that what’s been lost in the creating from your mouth full of water

509 00:46:43.920 –> 00:46:45.720 iPhone: is what’s been lost. The

510 00:46:46.050 –> 00:46:50.240 iPhone: spirit has become

511 00:46:50.520 –> 00:46:54.620 iPhone: satisfied with not progressing towards knowing itself.

512 00:46:56.780 –> 00:46:59.519 iPhone: We are kind of technical.

513 00:47:03.640 –> 00:47:10.629 iPhone: This is kind of a meta question, but throughout I I keep on wondering on what epistemic basis I go to

514 00:47:12.370 –> 00:47:16.899 iPhone: like? No, or on this

515 00:47:16.970 –> 00:47:22.969 iPhone: I would say that. Well, what do you mean by

516 00:47:24.400 –> 00:47:31.380 iPhone: one version of that same basis seems kind of sophisticated. Well, okay, so that’s the thing that

517 00:47:31.610 –> 00:47:37.339 iPhone: it can sound like, I said. It counts on the he is showing us right.

518 00:47:37.550 –> 00:47:44.020 iPhone: But what’s the alternative? Where you say? Well. there there seems to be only 2.

519 00:47:44.380 –> 00:47:52.149 iPhone: One is the default. Delete is the of the individual ego

520 00:47:52.160 –> 00:47:56.519 iPhone: saying that you need to satisfy my criterion right now as I currently.

521 00:47:56.640 –> 00:47:58.000 iPhone: and that

522 00:47:58.550 –> 00:48:03.740 iPhone: yeah, everything, every point is equal, which is to say, minus the best.

523 00:48:05.750 –> 00:48:14.149 iPhone: because there’s only that’s the thing is, it’s like, Oh, yeah, I’m being democratic and equal about this. But actually, what you’re saying is, well, mine is invested. If everyone is equal, then I’m the best.

524 00:48:14.300 –> 00:48:15.640 iPhone: I don’t need to change

525 00:48:17.420 –> 00:48:21.040 iPhone: versus the other eliteism, which is

526 00:48:22.330 –> 00:48:25.510 iPhone: the acceptance that you might be at the.

527 00:48:29.240 –> 00:48:38.340 iPhone: So that’s not really an answer to your question. Okay, what? What is this basis for planning all this stuff? Well, you have to go through it. We haven’t even got an into it. Yeah, yeah.

529 00:48:51.540 –> 00:48:53.019 iPhone: And let me actually

530 00:48:53.670 –> 00:48:56.970 iPhone: let me actually do one. I this, this will be good.

531 00:48:57.960 –> 00:48:59.380 iPhone: so paragraph 12.

532 00:49:03.430 –> 00:49:05.080 iPhone: Okay? So

533 00:49:15.990 –> 00:49:17.270 iPhone: actually, you can.

534 00:49:28.530 –> 00:49:32.689 iPhone: Okay, I actually go back to the bottom of page of paragraph 11.

535 00:49:33.570 –> 00:49:36.830 iPhone: no, actually, it’s just

536 00:49:37.140 –> 00:49:42.409 iPhone: it’s okay. So. Besides, it is not difficult to see that ours is a birth time

537 00:49:43.650 –> 00:49:45.999 iPhone: and a period of transition to a new era.

538 00:49:47.140 –> 00:49:50.760 iPhone: We’re still in that

539 00:49:52.340 –> 00:49:54.870 iPhone: eagle thought he brought it to a completion that has

540 00:49:55.330 –> 00:50:08.889 iPhone: yeah, like even like, certainly the French Revolution, you know. modern science, of course, to so seventeenth century into the nineteenth century which is writing. Yeah.

541 00:50:10.010 –> 00:50:11.980 iPhone: yeah.

542 00:50:12.390 –> 00:50:27.359 iPhone: Spirit is broken with the world. It is hitherto inhabited and imagined as if and and is a mind to to merge it in the past, and then the labor of its own transformation. Spirit is indeed never at rest, but always engaged in moving forward.

543 00:50:27.950 –> 00:50:29.589 iPhone: just as the first breath

544 00:50:30.450 –> 00:50:43.740 iPhone: drawn by a child after it’s a long, quiet nourishment breaks the gradualness of merely quantitative growth. There’s a qualitative leap in the child’s school that’s emerging from consciousness, something that even nature you see

545 00:50:44.350 –> 00:50:45.579 iPhone: to kind of.

546 00:50:45.860 –> 00:50:57.529 iPhone: So likewise the spirit in formation matures slowly, quietly into its new shape, dissolving bit by bit the structure of the previous world. Who’s toddler? And stated only into that by isolated symptoms.

547 00:50:57.560 –> 00:51:05.319 iPhone: Here we’re talking about, amongst other things, the breakdown of the feudal order, but also the breakdown of the

548 00:51:05.460 –> 00:51:07.240 iPhone: this is the thing about the Renaissance

549 00:51:07.850 –> 00:51:14.289 iPhone: they often have. There’s a kind of a mythology, but the Renaissance that it was rebirth of the ancient tradition.

550 00:51:17.380 –> 00:51:24.660 iPhone: There’s a there’s a contrary interpretation that it was the final coming of the

551 00:51:25.090 –> 00:51:29.890 iPhone: that’s what the renaissance of the scientific revolution. They like go

552 00:51:30.320 –> 00:51:31.280 iPhone: of that.

553 00:51:31.430 –> 00:51:43.079 iPhone: And that happens slowly. It’s these months doing this little thing. A lot of it was just copying stuff and just and the little brandy things. And this is why I, teacher hates these guys.

554 00:51:43.340 –> 00:51:58.740 iPhone: This. This is what Nietzsche says about the scientific spirit. It’s the. It’s because you have the scientists and scholars, too, that don’t go out into the world, or like they’re not Napoleon. They just sit in their rooms at night

555 00:51:59.210 –> 00:52:02.860 iPhone: solve little problems. And

556 00:52:03.970 –> 00:52:06.249 iPhone: but what it all saying is that, yeah.

557 00:52:06.420 –> 00:52:18.440 iPhone: that slow process? Yeah. All these people, you know, in these universities now. So their little problem and you can see it. You can see the moments like, even just

558 00:52:18.470 –> 00:52:20.579 iPhone: for the modern physics. Right? You had

559 00:52:21.230 –> 00:52:27.389 iPhone: Copernicus doing his thing. And then we had Kepler and he had to go. Brah did all the

560 00:52:27.470 –> 00:52:33.429 iPhone: oh, data. I’ll

561 00:52:34.150 –> 00:52:44.239 iPhone: the new synthesis. A new universe comes in the that goes back even further. You can see there was actually a moment in the fourteenth century where people were doing things like

562 00:52:46.840 –> 00:52:48.879 iPhone: most of the time, like

563 00:52:49.270 –> 00:52:50.739 iPhone: they kind of have.

564 00:52:51.730 –> 00:53:01.179 iPhone: Almost they? They almost have the oh, yeah, theycartes. Important here. analytics, geometry and coordinate system by which you can start to map motion.

565 00:53:02.020 –> 00:53:07.430 iPhone: so that was actually going back couple of 100 years and then and then

566 00:53:07.790 –> 00:53:16.630 iPhone: but of course it’s a social thing happening, though the you know order is over. So it’s a big, grand story

567 00:53:17.480 –> 00:53:22.140 iPhone: like. So the feudal order is being overcome. This here it’s coming into its own

568 00:53:22.220 –> 00:53:28.010 iPhone: coming down to earth and science, but also in politics. whereas in the feudal order

569 00:53:28.240 –> 00:53:33.790 iPhone: you had, it was still arguably to Platonic and Aristotle, and it’s

570 00:53:33.870 –> 00:53:45.390 iPhone: conception of the divine. But it was also the stratified system, where you have, like a a rigid hierarchy that culminated in not but that sustain the whole higher social order.

571 00:53:45.950 –> 00:53:50.940 iPhone: so that all is getting broken down in the turn slowly now.

572 00:53:51.160 –> 00:53:55.309 iPhone: So that’s the thing. We forget that there was actually this long process.

573 00:53:55.350 –> 00:53:57.320 iPhone: the gradual crumbling that left

574 00:53:57.350 –> 00:54:06.250 iPhone: unaltered. The face of the whole is cut short by assembly, which in one flash eliminates the features of the New World. They so this is Shakespeare

575 00:54:06.970 –> 00:54:08.100 iPhone: for a new world

576 00:54:09.010 –> 00:54:15.180 iPhone: that 6%. And it does with me in the.

577 00:54:15.970 –> 00:54:18.379 iPhone: You will tear it into a whole book on me.

578 00:54:19.570 –> 00:54:21.690 iPhone: and he is also the father of the French Revolution.

579 00:54:21.950 –> 00:54:35.989 iPhone: But this in the world is no more complete actuality than is a newborn child. It is essential to bear this in mind. It comes on the scene. This is what I wanted to do. It comes on the scene for the first time in. It’s an easy, or it’s not

580 00:54:36.730 –> 00:54:40.980 iPhone: just as little as a building is finished when its foundation has been laid.

581 00:54:41.900 –> 00:54:46.700 iPhone: My mission has been late, so little is the achieved notion of the whole. The whole itself.

582 00:54:48.110 –> 00:54:54.869 iPhone: When we wish to see an oak with this massive trunk and spreading freshly and foliage, they are not intent to be shown in acorn.

583 00:54:56.660 –> 00:54:58.050 iPhone: It’s all Aristotle.

584 00:54:58.170 –> 00:55:00.040 iPhone: So to science.

585 00:55:00.370 –> 00:55:17.610 iPhone: Okay? But what I want to say, okay, so what I want to point out this is, this is kind of its own thing. But where he says, Okay. this new world is no more complete actuality than a new, more child is essential to the. It comes on the scene. That’s a big, big phrase. There it comes on the scene.

586 00:55:17.920 –> 00:55:22.430 iPhone: This new world comes on the scene for the first time, and it’s a

587 00:55:24.190 –> 00:55:25.769 iPhone: what is being said, there.

588 00:55:27.270 –> 00:55:28.680 iPhone: do you have her?

589 00:55:31.880 –> 00:55:34.550 iPhone: And you got the part of this was a month, too.

590 00:55:34.980 –> 00:55:44.290 iPhone: comes on the seat, but

591 00:55:44.520 –> 00:55:50.620 iPhone: initially it comes on. and this is the things that this is happening all all time.

592 00:55:52.370 –> 00:55:57.679 iPhone: We’re doing this again and again, and we have these new objects that merge on the zoom. But in the first

593 00:55:58.160 –> 00:56:02.670 iPhone: we don’t recognize that it’s the product of a vast lady.

594 00:56:06.200 –> 00:56:11.529 iPhone: We just take it all this because it just flashes before us. Oh, there’s there’s the new 20 universe.

595 00:56:12.280 –> 00:56:15.969 iPhone: But it was actually generated by a whole vast labor intelligence.

596 00:56:17.770 –> 00:56:20.840 iPhone: Oh. okay, you’re in where I’m saying is that

597 00:56:20.970 –> 00:56:22.989 iPhone: there’s a big word for you.

598 00:56:23.260 –> 00:56:28.040 iPhone: Yeah. isn’t he? Which is a

599 00:56:28.830 –> 00:56:33.419 iPhone: here it goes to his labor.

600 00:56:33.530 –> 00:56:37.850 iPhone: but it doesn’t know that it’s doing this. It protects its own labor

601 00:56:39.290 –> 00:56:40.720 iPhone: each time.

602 00:56:40.940 –> 00:56:49.189 iPhone: each time a new form of it. This the object is just there, that it gets its own like.

603 00:56:50.510 –> 00:56:55.740 iPhone: So, by the way, this is this is basic.

604 00:56:56.130 –> 00:56:58.970 iPhone: So he’s this is what children do all the time.

605 00:56:59.270 –> 00:57:03.589 iPhone: They will go through the staging development. And then, like, for example.

606 00:57:03.860 –> 00:57:06.850 iPhone: they won’t be able to see that the glass.

607 00:57:07.050 –> 00:57:23.409 iPhone: You know that that 1, 2 glasses with the same. Okay? And then what they will see. Their object is that this has no water. Okay? And then they’ll eventually get to a new object where they realize that it’s the same because they have a new object which is called the conservation.

608 00:57:24.770 –> 00:57:26.740 iPhone: but they won’t know that they did that.

609 00:57:28.170 –> 00:57:31.450 iPhone: Yeah, we just have conservation now.

610 00:57:34.290 –> 00:57:37.130 iPhone: And the new and the scientists do this all the time

611 00:57:37.230 –> 00:57:41.530 iPhone: like, oh, there’s things, but they don’t necessarily. In fact, this is famous line from

612 00:57:42.810 –> 00:57:48.159 iPhone: Einstein, he said. If you want to know what scientists are up to when they’re doing science, they’ll ask them

613 00:57:48.710 –> 00:57:49.830 iPhone: watching. Thank you.

614 00:57:51.400 –> 00:57:55.310 iPhone: The scientists are doing this, and then this object shows up for them, you know, right?

615 00:57:55.750 –> 00:57:59.340 iPhone: But they’re not. They don’t know their own process of generating.

616 00:58:05.200 –> 00:58:08.759 iPhone: because each new object shows up like a flash on the scene.

617 00:58:08.870 –> 00:58:13.189 iPhone: and each time spirit or its own development, until finally.

618 00:58:13.270 –> 00:58:14.920 iPhone: what you know you get recollection.

619 00:58:18.020 –> 00:58:19.080 iPhone: self knowledge.

620 00:58:20.970 –> 00:58:21.670 iPhone: you get it

621 00:58:25.420 –> 00:58:27.150 one the thing.

622 00:58:35.210 –> 00:58:40.009 iPhone: So in the

623 00:58:44.850 –> 00:58:48.030 iPhone: so not forgetting

624 00:58:48.090 –> 00:58:51.980 iPhone: for the labor of the month.

625 00:58:52.290 –> 00:58:55.730 iPhone: Yes. so if you think she’s the first

626 00:58:55.970 –> 00:58:56.630 oh.

627 00:58:58.350 –> 00:58:59.400 iPhone: I mean.

628 00:58:59.860 –> 00:59:03.050 iPhone: it kind of depends because there’s recollection going on

629 00:59:03.520 –> 00:59:07.309 iPhone: right so. But I don’t know as this document. I much.

630 00:59:10.810 –> 00:59:16.880 iPhone: but I know I know it’s out lower viewpoint. This is the no. I haven’t been just talking about.

631 00:59:19.180 –> 00:59:20.770 iPhone: Okay, that

632 00:59:21.380 –> 00:59:23.579 iPhone: the mine just

633 00:59:25.750 –> 00:59:28.650 iPhone: the forms are kind of over here.

634 00:59:30.890 –> 00:59:32.370 iPhone: You kind of reach up to them.

635 00:59:33.910 –> 00:59:35.660 iPhone: But they’re not recognizing.

636 00:59:36.610 –> 00:59:38.050 Yeah.

637 00:59:38.390 –> 00:59:41.080 iPhone: the kind of our is like the

638 00:59:41.740 –> 00:59:46.020 iPhone: you need that happens in the this isn’t

639 00:59:47.170 –> 00:59:50.160 iPhone: what there’s no history to. The.

640 00:59:50.700 –> 00:59:59.139 iPhone: This is the thing that’s what I was saying about. Soon it’s too busy. This is now we recognize this and everything. Now it’s all history to the object.

641 01:00:02.020 –> 01:00:05.979 iPhone: But philosophy is the thing that studies that that history itself.

642 01:00:06.580 –> 01:00:13.619 iPhone: not the out. Just the object, of of course, because that’s what philosoph, who isn’t? He’s a scientist, but he is what was a boss use.

643 01:00:19.230 –> 01:00:24.220 iPhone: So yeah, our collection is the final moment where

644 01:00:24.350 –> 01:00:28.530 iPhone: you actually overcome your forgetting, you recognize that this whole thing was

645 01:00:28.670 –> 01:00:32.100 iPhone: you generating this. Now this is.

646 01:00:32.750 –> 01:00:33.490 iPhone: that’s a

647 01:00:36.900 –> 01:00:41.799 iPhone: because in there was extension. They thought it was. And then, now, you guys

648 01:00:42.560 –> 01:00:43.420 hmm!

649 01:00:53.250 –> 01:00:57.419 iPhone: It’s always sounds like it makes more sense than I think it’s

650 01:00:59.290 –> 01:01:00.769 iPhone: but

651 01:01:06.440 –> 01:01:11.800 iPhone: quantum mechanics when students are running.

652 01:01:12.000 –> 01:01:20.310 iPhone: if they start asking questions about the

653 01:01:21.160 –> 01:01:27.170 iPhone: yeah, which is which is legitimate because they don’t need to know that. Yeah.

654 01:01:28.070 –> 01:01:29.590 iPhone: unless they need

655 01:01:30.180 –> 01:01:31.520 watching himself.

656 01:01:34.270 –> 01:01:37.140 iPhone: Yes.

658 01:01:43.220 –> 01:01:48.859 iPhone: so we can. We eventually get to the substance?

659 01:01:49.150 –> 01:01:51.350 iPhone: Oh, we can take a

660 01:01:51.440 –> 01:01:54.109 iPhone: we’ll know, for right now you want to do over an hour

661 01:01:54.300 –> 01:02:00.039 iPhone: I was over today. But it, yeah, it’s still, it’s still in today. I’m saying.

662 01:02:00.680 –> 01:02:10.100 iPhone: yeah, okay, so

663 01:02:10.920 –> 01:02:12.579 iPhone: this is the last paragraph

664 01:02:12.900 –> 01:02:15.480 iPhone: actually, since we’re starting to

665 01:02:15.690 –> 01:02:16.730 iPhone: at the end.

666 01:02:16.990 –> 01:02:27.280 iPhone: this is the last. So because you’re asking, where the hell is it going? Don’t worry. It’s getting diverse. But just really need that. And I don’t do that

667 01:02:27.300 –> 01:02:33.040 iPhone: right. In a way, it’s sorry. It’s the paragraph, anyway, it’s just the the last paradigm.

668 01:02:33.410 –> 01:02:37.830 iPhone: So you know where we’re going? which one in the media.

669 01:02:37.900 –> 01:02:41.960 iPhone: anyway? Anyway?

670 01:02:42.680 –> 01:02:48.830 iPhone: Page page 492081 and 2

671 01:02:51.270 –> 01:02:54.310 iPhone: so. But the other side of it’s becoming. History

672 01:02:54.340 –> 01:02:57.100 iPhone: is a conscious self mediating process.

673 01:02:59.260 –> 01:03:07.769 iPhone: spear emptied out into time. So that’s what you realize is that actually, this whole thing is spirit emptying itself into time.

674 01:03:08.370 –> 01:03:16.280 iPhone: this, this externalization, this canosis. By the way, you guys don’t know this. That’s that’s what Paul says. Jesus does

675 01:03:16.900 –> 01:03:27.169 iPhone: Mps yourself instead of that’s the whole thing, self sacrifice. So like you have to let yourself go completely

676 01:03:28.520 –> 01:03:31.600 iPhone: in order to recognize yourself.

677 01:03:34.850 –> 01:03:37.840 iPhone: is, it is equally an externalization of itself.

678 01:03:37.980 –> 01:03:48.379 iPhone: The negative is the negative of self. This becoming presents a slow moving succession of spirits. That’s that it forms a consciousness. Slowly session of forms of consciousness, a gallery of images.

679 01:03:48.680 –> 01:03:58.670 iPhone: each of which, endowed with all the riches of spirit, moves that slowly, just because the self has the has to penetrate and digest this entire wealth of its substance.

680 01:03:58.770 –> 01:04:04.250 iPhone: That’s another way. The substance is already subject, but it hasn’t become subject for it yet.

681 01:04:05.110 –> 01:04:10.520 iPhone: So it asked you. take itself. appropriate itself.

682 01:04:12.600 –> 01:04:14.939 iPhone: and it’s full well, it’s

683 01:04:15.090 –> 01:04:22.960 iPhone: this fulfillment consists, and perfectly knowing what it is and knowing it’s substance, this knowledge is overthrown into itself.

684 01:04:23.380 –> 01:04:28.980 iPhone: in which it abandoned its outer existence, and gives it essential shape over to reflect the recollection

685 01:04:29.900 –> 01:04:39.799 iPhone: that’s absorbed in itself. It is sunk in the night of its self consciousness, but in that night it vanishes out. Our existence is preserved and transformed.

686 01:04:39.930 –> 01:04:47.800 iPhone: and this transformed existence the formal one. But now we’re born of the spirits. Knowledge is the new existence in New World, and a new shape of spirit.

687 01:04:48.000 –> 01:04:49.229 iPhone: That’s the

688 01:04:50.520 –> 01:04:53.270 iPhone: come to know what cell phones process.

689 01:04:53.670 –> 01:04:56.119 iPhone: What does it mean by my, my.

690 01:04:56.280 –> 01:04:58.729 iPhone: well, okay, so that’s

691 01:05:02.340 –> 01:05:06.010 iPhone: is something in the night of self consciousness.

692 01:05:06.510 –> 01:05:13.780 iPhone: so it’s not

693 01:05:14.710 –> 01:05:18.710 iPhone: present to itself.

694 01:05:28.090 –> 01:05:28.760 So

695 01:05:38.150 –> 01:05:39.969 iPhone: I’m sure he’s gonna be able to tell us. But

696 01:05:43.340 –> 01:05:47.200 iPhone: she doesn’t tell the last one it must then

697 01:05:47.470 –> 01:05:51.370 iPhone: that is fair to in time.

698 01:05:52.460 –> 01:05:59.460 iPhone: But anyway, okay, that I can say more about that. Let’s put it in

699 01:06:00.060 –> 01:06:02.550 iPhone: like 4

700 01:06:03.370 –> 01:06:19.170 iPhone: back to

701 01:06:20.460 –> 01:06:31.980 iPhone: in the immediately of its new existence. The spirit has to start a threat to bring itself to maturity, as if now, part of what he’s saying is that

702 01:06:32.100 –> 01:06:38.679 iPhone: we have maternity, that With this new object.

703 01:06:38.690 –> 01:06:42.399 iPhone: fully rationalized, scientific

704 01:06:43.610 –> 01:06:45.119 iPhone: and political world.

705 01:06:45.730 –> 01:06:48.689 iPhone: But it didn’t know. That’s that. That’s what it was.

706 01:06:49.240 –> 01:06:53.579 iPhone: You just did it. Science just happened. The French Revolution just happened.

707 01:06:53.860 –> 01:07:02.009 iPhone: They did know themselves as doing this for the sake of these rational ideals, etc. But they didn’t know that those rational ideas were the product of this history.

708 01:07:03.120 –> 01:07:05.579 iPhone: In fact, you can hear when they say they’re just like

709 01:07:06.890 –> 01:07:12.169 iPhone: The of the very nature of the French Revolution is to negate the past.

710 01:07:15.930 –> 01:07:19.290 iPhone: By the way.

711 01:07:22.580 –> 01:07:25.129 iPhone: the Us. Is even worse. Us really is.

712 01:07:25.380 –> 01:07:30.079 iPhone: And he said, I think actually, spirit is going to the Americans going to America again his life

713 01:07:30.500 –> 01:07:32.020 iPhone: long story

714 01:07:33.040 –> 01:07:35.410 iPhone: because we’re the United States of amnesia.

715 01:07:36.050 –> 01:07:46.479 iPhone: But the but you guys not to Tocqueville. He was a famous nineteenth century, you know and volunteer on with book American Democracy in America.

716 01:07:47.750 –> 01:07:55.290 iPhone: He says famously that the the method of the Americans is the the method of

717 01:07:55.460 –> 01:07:57.970 iPhone: you have to eliminate all influence in the past.

718 01:07:58.140 –> 01:08:02.419 iPhone: Just so it’s it’s it’s day one every day they want

719 01:08:02.520 –> 01:08:07.620 iPhone: Whereas Hegel says, No, that’s that’s been peer negation in the past

720 01:08:08.380 –> 01:08:11.889 iPhone: and the newness of majority.

721 01:08:12.820 –> 01:08:19.250 iPhone: So maternity is this state, this new first. So that’s what he says. It’s time of. It’s an unsettled time. First on the scene.

722 01:08:19.590 –> 01:08:20.730 iPhone: not his dad.

723 01:08:22.060 –> 01:08:26.859 iPhone: Sphere is now in the world. but we don’t understand how this came to be.

724 01:08:28.250 –> 01:08:30.350 iPhone: So you don’t recognize it.

725 01:08:31.960 –> 01:08:48.160 iPhone: so it’s it’s merely in the immediacy of it. Of this new existence the spirit has to start a fresh to bring itself to its maturity. So this new, this is the I’m saying, this French Revolution. But then there’s an alien

726 01:08:48.210 –> 01:08:59.330 iPhone: knowledge of itself as such. All that proceeded were lost, and had learned nothing from the experience of the earlier. That’s what the French Revolution are you?

727 01:09:00.590 –> 01:09:08.650 iPhone: The recollection? The Imran is memorizing of that experience as preserved it, and then as it. And is this inner being.

728 01:09:08.939 –> 01:09:11.540 iPhone: and in fact the higher form of the substance.

729 01:09:11.970 –> 01:09:21.200 iPhone: So, although the spirit starts to fresh, and apparently from its own resources to bring about itself to maturity is nonetheless on a higher level than it starts. The realm of spirits.

730 01:09:21.460 –> 01:09:30.719 iPhone: that is, forms of consciousness, which is formed in this way, and the outer world constitutes the session. In time, the various philosophies in which one spirit revealed itself.

731 01:09:30.880 –> 01:09:33.010 iPhone: We build another

732 01:09:34.080 –> 01:09:44.429 iPhone: relieved another, sorry of its chart, so it’s charged in each tip over the. So this one spirit within the empire of the world. From this process, with this their goal is the revelation of the depthy spirit.

733 01:09:45.080 –> 01:09:47.619 iPhone: This is the absolute notion of the absolute concept.

734 01:09:47.819 –> 01:09:52.070 iPhone: This revelation is therefore the raising up the

735 01:09:52.170 –> 01:09:59.179 iPhone: of it step. or it’s extension. the negativity of the withdrawn. I. We haven’t gotten into the whole I business yet.

736 01:09:59.370 –> 01:10:05.780 iPhone: A negativity which is externalization or its substance. And this revelation is also the notions time

737 01:10:06.010 –> 01:10:10.390 iPhone: that it’s external. I guess the the goal after the

738 01:10:10.740 –> 01:10:17.539 iPhone: reservation regard on the side of your existence. Yeah, so it appears to be contingent, so it appears to be contingent

739 01:10:18.570 –> 01:10:27.890 iPhone: these historical unfoldings, but regarded on the side of their philosophically organized, comprehended organization, it is the science of knowing in this year of the

740 01:10:27.910 –> 01:10:30.129 iPhone: plus the history of philosophy is

741 01:10:31.570 –> 01:10:34.199 iPhone: knowledge itself.

742 01:10:34.740 –> 01:10:47.569 iPhone: as it appears in history. The 2 together comprehended history. like the innerizing and the Calvary of the Absolute Spirit

743 01:10:48.020 –> 01:10:49.420 iPhone: just on the cross.

744 01:10:49.700 –> 01:10:59.719 iPhone: the actuality, truth, certainly, of His throne now, which he would be like this alone, only from the.

745 01:11:04.070 –> 01:11:06.699 iPhone: So anyway, that was, that was kind of a

746 01:11:06.830 –> 01:11:11.219 iPhone: that’s where we’re at. It’s still going. Okay? Last thing. Okay? So

747 01:11:12.270 –> 01:11:17.590 iPhone: substance versus subjects. Okay? So it’s it’s you know.

748 01:11:18.480 –> 01:11:20.210 iPhone: I think what we saw.

749 01:11:20.440 –> 01:11:22.380 iPhone: you know.

750 01:11:25.980 –> 01:11:27.240 iPhone: you have.

751 01:11:27.300 –> 01:11:32.040 iPhone: I think this is kind of like, actually sort of what he was getting out of that night. Business.

752 01:11:32.500 –> 01:11:36.269 iPhone: The the substance

753 01:11:36.850 –> 01:11:38.359 iPhone: about darkness.

754 01:11:39.660 –> 01:11:41.250 iPhone: It’s the one substance.

755 01:11:41.690 –> 01:11:46.889 iPhone: and then it just like unfolds over time. You have to get in the snow

756 01:11:47.030 –> 01:11:48.849 iPhone: attributes in its modes.

757 01:11:52.370 –> 01:11:54.799 iPhone: but it doesn’t anticipate any.

758 01:11:57.220 –> 01:12:04.959 iPhone: So that’s that’s mere substance substance. As because for Hegel, that is some sense, in some sense there. Isn’t it all necessary?

759 01:12:06.180 –> 01:12:09.200 iPhone: But it’s also simultaneously

760 01:12:09.250 –> 01:12:11.530 iPhone: here. It is doing this to itself.

761 01:12:11.740 –> 01:12:12.789 iPhone: but it

762 01:12:16.340 –> 01:12:17.830 iPhone: and realizing itself.

763 01:12:18.260 –> 01:12:23.659 iPhone: we’re asked for when I was a mirror almost mechanistic

764 01:12:24.270 –> 01:12:25.319 iPhone: all the way.

765 01:12:26.510 –> 01:12:29.990 iPhone: which?

766 01:12:31.120 –> 01:12:35.530 iPhone: Okay, so

767 01:12:36.990 –> 01:12:38.080 iPhone: is.

768 01:12:39.750 –> 01:12:40.970 iPhone: yeah.

769 01:12:42.590 –> 01:12:45.819 iPhone: nearly that. I mean, it’s just saying that

770 01:12:48.360 –> 01:12:50.699 iPhone: it’s as it as I. Yeah, I mean.

771 01:12:50.800 –> 01:12:52.030 iPhone: it’s

772 01:12:52.360 –> 01:12:57.369 iPhone: as he said repeatedly, in the practice for those of these, it’s reason.

773 01:12:58.270 –> 01:12:59.250 iPhone: substance.

774 01:12:59.400 –> 01:13:00.730 iPhone: It’s actually

775 01:13:01.870 –> 01:13:04.550 iPhone: we’re in this business. And then, yeah, it’s

776 01:13:05.810 –> 01:13:14.179 iPhone: okay? And then.

777 01:13:15.260 –> 01:13:22.509 iPhone: yeah. And what we’re as for in this fantastic substance is, this is a part of what’s going on in the darkness and

778 01:13:22.580 –> 01:13:24.000 iPhone: mental.

779 01:13:25.280 –> 01:13:27.560 iPhone: the sub, the substance that mental, the only one after

780 01:13:29.540 –> 01:13:31.800 iPhone: there’s a bodily substitute, the bodily attribute.

781 01:13:34.280 –> 01:13:37.969 iPhone: I want to know this so mental and body.

782 01:13:39.050 –> 01:13:41.750 iPhone: and the problem with.

783 01:13:41.970 –> 01:13:54.770 iPhone: So now, I’m just trying to respond to, because yet one of the interaction with my. But the problem is that okay? And that that means that it must be some

784 01:13:54.980 –> 01:13:56.279 iPhone: blind, dark

785 01:13:56.840 –> 01:13:59.740 iPhone: thing that’s unfolding throughout history.

786 01:14:00.290 –> 01:14:01.560 iPhone: That has nothing to do with that

787 01:14:02.780 –> 01:14:05.530 iPhone: for us. I will say no, but mental.

788 01:14:07.330 –> 01:14:08.940 iPhone: It’s it’s here.

789 01:14:10.300 –> 01:14:13.509 iPhone: there’s no, these are not separate.

790 01:14:13.930 –> 01:14:14.600 Hmm.

791 01:14:16.680 –> 01:14:19.079 iPhone: so that’s that’s that’s part of it.

792 01:14:19.260 –> 01:14:20.330 Okay.

793 01:14:23.340 –> 01:14:30.119 iPhone: it’s really abstract. So

794 01:14:30.350 –> 01:14:33.770 iPhone: is that because, of course, this is history, too.

795 01:14:34.100 –> 01:14:36.150 iPhone: the whole world. And it’s

796 01:14:37.530 –> 01:14:41.490 iPhone: the imminent principle of the universe come to know itself as as just that.

797 01:14:45.410 –> 01:14:52.900 iPhone: Would it be to say that

798 01:14:53.960 –> 01:14:57.319 iPhone: the Christian God embodies the

799 01:14:57.550 –> 01:15:00.280 iPhone: yes, yeah.

800 01:15:00.550 –> 01:15:05.670 iPhone: this is pantheism. So this is a return of this in the mode of philosophy.

801 01:15:05.700 –> 01:15:07.970 iPhone: So in the mode of images, you have antheism.

802 01:15:08.610 –> 01:15:10.069 iPhone: which is the dark.

803 01:15:10.090 –> 01:15:17.100 iPhone: That is an emergent immersion. What here is there? But it’s it’s not unifying the matters of.

804 01:15:19.710 –> 01:15:21.360 iPhone: Yeah, they have been reconciled.

805 01:15:22.260 –> 01:15:25.369 iPhone: and then in the and then in religion you get

806 01:15:26.240 –> 01:15:29.689 iPhone: light. The whole thing is here all the way down.

807 01:15:30.180 –> 01:15:33.329 iPhone: This is philosophy. Now the the

808 01:15:33.460 –> 01:15:38.470 iPhone: this is or no, actually just Pantheon.

809 01:15:39.070 –> 01:15:44.589 iPhone: And it’s it’s it’s it’s actually it’s it’s it’s it’s it’s in the universe. But also a little more.

810 01:15:44.660 –> 01:15:47.680 iPhone: but I think it’s not really just.

811 01:15:48.250 –> 01:15:51.370 iPhone: And then you get Hegel.

812 01:15:53.280 –> 01:15:56.329 iPhone: So you have

813 01:15:57.410 –> 01:15:58.620 iPhone: some of the

814 01:16:02.150 –> 01:16:08.829 iPhone: yeah. So Christianity is a revelation, but only in images, not in philosophical concepts, that it’s all the way down.

815 01:16:09.590 –> 01:16:16.470 iPhone: It’s in the story of the creation. And then Jesus is live death and resurrection.

816 01:16:18.570 –> 01:16:22.550 iPhone: because get, as he says, is the ultimate separation.

817 01:16:24.230 –> 01:16:27.049 iPhone: But

818 01:16:29.690 –> 01:16:31.479 iPhone: his den is an ultimate darkness, too.

819 01:16:39.570 –> 01:16:40.650 iPhone: dancing back.

820 01:16:41.990 –> 01:16:46.070 iPhone: and it’s but it’s just one

821 01:16:46.180 –> 01:16:47.470 iPhone: subways himself.

822 01:16:49.090 –> 01:16:59.709 iPhone: Oh, so on on separation. If I go to the yeah. Oh, some

823 01:17:00.020 –> 01:17:10.399 iPhone: I suppose mediation is just an on I guess it’s it.

824 01:17:10.440 –> 01:17:11.930 iPhone: It made them easy.

825 01:17:12.350 –> 01:17:13.820 iPhone: So like

826 01:17:14.850 –> 01:17:16.310 iPhone: we’re at the.

827 01:17:18.390 –> 01:17:22.590 iPhone: you know, like you, you can sort of forget the process of

828 01:17:22.910 –> 01:17:27.920 iPhone: I was just

829 01:17:32.690 –> 01:17:44.600 iPhone: I, or even Plato, the from there, and you get this immediate intuition and on the spiritual level of not physical sensuousness, the spiritual

830 01:17:45.350 –> 01:17:48.289 iPhone: rather than

831 01:17:49.340 –> 01:17:52.449 iPhone: can’t understand. It doesn’t all right here.

832 01:17:52.470 –> 01:17:53.490 Oh, no.

833 01:17:54.220 –> 01:17:56.639 iPhone: forms are not just, and I know I haven’t

834 01:18:00.640 –> 01:18:04.440 iPhone: whereas of

835 01:18:04.680 –> 01:18:07.930 iPhone: is more focused on the

836 01:18:08.360 –> 01:18:17.340 iPhone: The process by which you can attend this this new level after you.

837 01:18:23.350 –> 01:18:25.999 iPhone: Unstable unity, mitigation of that.

838 01:18:27.840 –> 01:18:29.529 iPhone: but positing a difference.

839 01:18:29.820 –> 01:18:33.099 iPhone: And then

840 01:18:33.870 –> 01:18:39.209 iPhone: so like you’re here, you get a positive difference. So like you might have to go back to like

841 01:18:41.230 –> 01:18:43.759 iPhone: we get a pausing of a difference.

842 01:18:46.980 –> 01:18:49.470 iPhone: Yeah.

843 01:18:49.750 –> 01:18:53.179 iPhone: but it’s still. it’s still separate.

844 01:18:54.040 –> 01:18:56.720 iPhone: you know.

845 01:18:56.950 –> 01:19:00.250 iPhone: But separation is that that emphasis

846 01:19:00.370 –> 01:19:02.300 iPhone: on the moment of

847 01:19:02.960 –> 01:19:08.530 iPhone: as as opposed to mediation, which is just a

848 01:19:09.790 –> 01:19:10.860 iPhone: Well, yeah.

849 01:19:11.390 –> 01:19:14.390 iPhone: like mediation is the over time

850 01:19:14.400 –> 01:19:15.620 iPhone: of the

851 01:19:23.490 –> 01:19:30.869 iPhone: I’d say that the afterwards of simulation is like the the next level of object aviation is the historical.

852 01:19:31.220 –> 01:19:34.370 iPhone: Yeah, something like that.

853 01:19:34.420 –> 01:19:35.490 Okay, yeah.

854 01:19:36.380 –> 01:19:37.809 iPhone: really, it’s almost

855 01:19:38.010 –> 01:19:38.980 okay. Yeah.

856 01:19:39.080 –> 01:19:41.050 iPhone: One is just been emphasizing

857 01:19:43.130 –> 01:19:44.929 iPhone: how the how we can.

858 01:19:47.280 –> 01:19:48.290 iPhone: whereas

859 01:19:48.770 –> 01:19:53.659 iPhone: all. And that gives us a new that makes sense.

860 01:19:59.620 –> 01:20:12.770 iPhone: Still pretty abstract. I know. Well, that’s things. Why do we? We can let me just skip to the intro to do you like one of me tomorrow? Yeah, let’s get to the intro.

861 01:20:12.950 –> 01:20:22.559 iPhone: I’ll I’ll see you. There might be one or 2 things in the breakfast, so we’ll just like one or 2. Okay, and then we can get to the intro. But the intro is about, I mean, I can tell you it.

862 01:20:23.740 –> 01:20:28.840 iPhone: So I’ll let you guys go ahead. But

863 01:20:29.430 –> 01:20:40.620 iPhone: he what he what he starts right away with in the intro is how you can get philosophy, and it will be talking specifically about taunting a lot.

864 01:20:40.840 –> 01:20:43.400 iPhone: Okay, we’ll see. I’ll try to point that out

865 01:20:43.630 –> 01:20:47.759 iPhone: that. Take this for. And then they asked, How

866 01:20:48.230 –> 01:20:50.579 iPhone: can I be sure that this is?

867 01:20:50.780 –> 01:20:51.990 iPhone: I can notice?

868 01:20:52.060 –> 01:20:58.819 iPhone: And so they start with a problem with the bridge. And so how do I know that they, this

869 01:20:58.900 –> 01:21:00.309 being stored?

870 01:21:00.940 –> 01:21:02.830 iPhone: Because that’s

871 01:21:03.440 –> 01:21:06.230 iPhone: the mind isn’t kind of filter.

872 01:21:08.020 –> 01:21:14.099 iPhone: and that we don’t get this kind of store to images of the thing. But the thing is like, how did you ever come to think that there wasn’t

873 01:21:18.250 –> 01:21:21.760 iPhone: because you forgot that you?

874 01:21:23.570 –> 01:21:35.780 iPhone: Okay, so and he starts with that. And he says, this is a problem. We need to overcome it in the magazine. This is how that happened. In the first place.

875 01:21:37.150 –> 01:21:39.140 iPhone: how we got even to lock.

876 01:21:47.090 –> 01:21:53.960 iPhone: because that’s the thing. Okay. All I know is that here’s another kind of trying to remember all these things. That they’re actually been helpful to me

877 01:21:54.210 –> 01:21:55.640 iPhone: is

878 01:22:06.870 –> 01:22:10.600 iPhone: that’s what he saying. If you can’t understand

879 01:22:11.910 –> 01:22:17.149 iPhone: anyone that you can explain the various species of

880 01:22:18.720 –> 01:22:23.699 iPhone: actually don’t know what they’re doing. You think it’s just making an argument?

881 01:22:23.730 –> 01:22:26.199 iPhone: No, he’s expressing a form of consciousness

882 01:22:28.120 –> 01:22:30.259 iPhone: in which this argument makes sense

883 01:22:34.290 –> 01:22:35.779 iPhone: a small like the code.

884 01:22:35.950 –> 01:22:37.400 iPhone: Yes, of course.

885 01:22:37.480 –> 01:22:41.650 iPhone: And of course the coasting is. There’s never an absolute desire or final reconciliation.

886 01:22:41.780 –> 01:22:48.890 iPhone: That’s as I was saying, all these French guys are responding to. There’s no phone, all difference.

887 01:22:51.310 –> 01:22:55.809 iPhone: And any attempt to reconcile. Is it all near?

888 01:22:58.150 –> 01:23:00.270 iPhone: it’s actually one part.

889 01:23:03.170 –> 01:23:06.239 iPhone: the slot, the master slave

890 01:23:09.110 –> 01:23:10.290 iPhone: in a

891 01:23:11.650 –> 01:23:18.489 iPhone: yeah and and but yes, but in that history, yeah, they they yeah. We all understood this partly. Sure

892 01:23:20.100 –> 01:23:22.190 iPhone: airlines.

893 01:23:22.490 –> 01:23:28.660 iPhone: The object is radically different. You can’t. We inhabit the world in the past? In some sense

894 01:23:28.810 –> 01:23:31.790 iPhone: I will hit those point that it’s actually present one

895 01:23:40.410 –> 01:23:42.450 iPhone: which is kind of a concept right?

896 01:23:43.320 –> 01:23:47.389 iPhone: When you say you want to be the role in able to. Yes, of course, in the world

897 01:23:47.560 –> 01:23:51.120 iPhone: we can overcome the alienation that I

898 01:23:56.710 –> 01:24:01.300 iPhone: that makes sense, like as a kind of rough, rough and ready. Yeah, for sure. Don’t stop that.

899 01:24:01.630 –> 01:24:04.509 iPhone: It’s just I mean, the thing is that that’s kind of the

900 01:24:05.550 –> 01:24:15.170 iPhone: the kind of cliche way to put it that for for because it like Gary Dodds and things, he said this people without the absolute

901 01:24:15.870 –> 01:24:19.079 iPhone: Everything is changing.

902 01:24:19.780 –> 01:24:24.700 iPhone: There’s no reconciliation that the goal of.

903 01:24:26.450 –> 01:24:29.889 iPhone: but it’s not entirely inaccurate. So the cliche has some sense

904 01:24:31.010 –> 01:24:35.559 iPhone: which is to to give them break for their really, since maybe they’re correct.

905 01:24:37.190 –> 01:24:38.510 iPhone: But they’re not

906 01:24:39.480 –> 01:24:41.650 yeah cool.

907 01:24:45.280 –> 01:25:06.050 iPhone: Laura. I’m sorry. No, worries. Don’t worry about me. Do you have any last questions. No, I did have a question, what did it come in person tomorrow? But where are you guys? Are you in the? We’re just outside the the Boston department. Okay, that’s what I thought. Okay, on the first floor. Slavery.

908 01:25:06.110 –> 01:25:10.959 Laura Jo Swartley: Okay. I might be a little late, but I’d like to come in person, who is a little hard to hear, but this is great. Thank you so much.

909 01:25:11.180 –> 01:25:17.260 iPhone: Yeah, for sure, our pleasure.